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來(lái)源:彬倫閥門(mén)  發(fā)布時(shí)間:2022-01-16












  6、在熱量要求不高的場(chǎng)合,用熱靜力疏水閥取代熱動(dòng)力圓盤(pán)疏水閥會(huì )提高節能效果,同時(shí)保證使用壽命。


  譯文:Trap selection techniques: An inverted bucket trap: As the process load and steam mains trap of choice for all those in need on the occasion of the steam trap. 2, the float thermostatic steam traps: Used to process the hydrophobic, especially in the application of the control load of less than 3.5 kg (50 psig) or high air content, install the inverted bucket trap occasions. 3, the balanced pressure steam trap: As unimportant heating or heating system. 4, bimetal thermostatic steam traps: For heating pipes or heating system, low temperature or frost prevention conditions. The types of traps can maximize the use of the sensible heat of condensation of water to prevent overheating. Its body made ??of stainless steel. 5, thermodynamic disc trap: Previous experience proved its good performance, can be used as alternative to inverted bucket trap at a pressure of 17 kg of steam mains, and with heat pipe, limited use, or as a replacement for the higher vapor pressure. Because of its low energy efficiency, life is short, not recommended (and in the Huddersfield and Grangemouth factory are not allowed). Less demanding situations, the heat, thermostatic steam traps to replace the thermodynamic disc trap will increase energy savings, life assurance. 7, mechanical traps (ie, inverted bucket and float trap) both in the case of condensation of the water load large or small load to ensure that the steam does not contain a condensate, while the thermostatic steam traps in the load increases the accumulation of condensation Trap selection techniques: An inverted bucket trap: As the process load and steam mains trap of choice for all those in need on the occasion of the steam trap. 2, the float thermostatic steam traps: Used to process the hydrophobic, especially in the application of the control load of less than 3.5 kg (50 psig) or high air content, install the inverted bucket trap occasions. 3, the balanced pressure steam trap: As unimportant heating or heating system. 4, bimetal thermostatic steam traps: For heating pipes or heating system, low temperature or frost prevention conditions. The types of traps can maximize the use of the sensible heat of condensation of water to prevent overheating. Its body made ??of stainless steel. 5, thermodynamic disc trap: Previous experience proved its good performance, can be used as alternative to inverted bucket trap at a pressure of 17 kg of steam mains, and with heat pipe, limited use, or as a replacement for the higher vapor pressure. Because of its low energy efficiency, life is short, not recommended (and in the Huddersfield and Grangemouth factory are not allowed). Less demanding situations, the heat, thermostatic steam traps to replace the thermodynamic disc trap will increase energy savings, life assurance. 7, mechanical traps (ie, inverted bucket and float trap) both in the case of condensation of the water load large or small load to ensure that the steam does not contain a condensate, while the thermostatic steam traps in the load increases the accumulation of condensation water.

上一頁(yè):圓盤(pán)式蒸汽疏水閥的工作原理    下一頁(yè):怎樣安裝疏水閥

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上海彬倫閥門(mén)有限公司(中美合資)  滬ICP備20001747號-1
電話(huà):400-021-9678  傳真: 021-51036385  手機: 13611652063
企業(yè)微信號: 18801778678  企業(yè)郵箱: [email protected]  地址:上海市靜安區江場(chǎng)三路238號(上海市北半島國際中心)